Just a few notes on a recent upgrade with a rails project that was fairly young thus did not have a lot of issues moving to rails 3.
- script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/rails_upgrade.git
- rails:upgrade:backup
- rake rails:upgrade:routes >> config/routes.rb
- edit file removing everything before the “Application.routes.draw” line
- rake rails:upgrade:gems > Gemfile
- edit Gemfile to remove top line
- rake rails:upgrade:configuration > config/application.rb
- edit application.rb and remove top line
- rails new .
- since this was a relatively young application I was able to overwrite everything but:
- Gemfile
- application_controller.rb
- application_helper.rb
- app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
- config/routes.rb
- config/locales/en.yml
- config/database.yml
- db/seeds.rb
- public/javascripts/application.js
- since this was a relatively young application I was able to overwrite everything but: