Just some notes. Of course one could use both.
piwik (1.2.1):
- automatic update from web (though be careful)
- assign user roles per website
- unlimited conversion tracking / goals
- support forum
- some bugs and broken reports – visitor log broken
owa (1.4.1):
- no flash
- better navigation (though this is subjective)
- latest visits works correctly with timezone
- tracks domstreams and dom clicks
- action tracking – could be very useful for search tracking
- goal funnels
- some bugs and broken reports – top pages today broken
Further reading:
the timezone/visitor log bugs are now fixed in the latest RC: http://forum.piwik.org/read.php?2,74492
the timezone/visitor log bugs are now fixed in the latest RC: http://forum.piwik.org/read.php?2,74492
Can you tell me about Search keyword tracking is best in which ?? Using GA, but it doen’t show me keywords for search.