Integrating R and Ruby

I did my time with rsruby, rinruby and Rserve-Ruby-client. In retrospect I should have trusted the Rserve-Ruby-client readme which details the problems with rsruby and rinruby. rsruby – dealbreaker is that this is not stable, there are a few other downsides including complex data conversions and compilation issues but enough said. rinruby – slow, but more importantly fails …

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The easiest way to migrate a database from MySQL to PostgreSQL

I had to do this recently for a project. The difficult piece was sorting through the opinions of what the best tools and procedures for handling this migration was. So I tried a few until I found one that worked so well, so quickly that I decided it was worth sharing. Firs tthings I used …

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The easiest way to get ruby 1.9 debugging functionality on Ubuntu 12.04

I’ve come across a number of posts giving instructions on how to get debugging to work with ruby 1.9.x and they all seem to involve downloading gems and installing them. Here is what I did on my Ubuntu 12.04 workstations that was very easy though not trivial to figure out. sudo gem install linecache19 –pre …

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Building xen-4.2.1 packages on Ubuntu 12.04

First install build dependencies. This list may not be complete as some necessary libraries and tools may have already been installed on my test machines. This is what I used to get the packages to build successfully: apt-get install build-essential python-dev gettext bin86 bcc iasl uuid-dev libncurses5-dev pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libyajl-dev git gcc-multilib texinfo fakeroot Then download, …

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Fixing “uninitialized constant” errors in rake tasks when using Rails threadsafe! mode

I ran into this problem where I was getting “uninitialized constant” errors when running rake tasks. These are tasks which had been working and I verified that the proper paths were set (eager_load_paths). When searching I saw information about config.threadsafe! being a problem so I disabled it and the problems vanished. However, I wanted to …

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Decimal precision for geocoding coordinates

I did some research and found a lot of discrepancy among recommendations for the decimal precision when doing geocoding. Some say you only need 4 digits of precision and others suggest up to 15. In my own testing the best results seemed to be with 6-digits and SQL type of PRECISION(9,6) for latitude and longitude. …

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gems for validating email and urls in rails

Validating URL Addresses http_url_validation_improved (1.3.1) – uses Addressable::URI.parse, can check url connectivity url_validation (1.0.0) – uses Addressable::URI.parse, can check url connectivity url_validator (0.1.0) – uses Addressable::URI.parse validate_url (0.2.0) – simple, Rails 3 only, uses URI.parse validates_url_format_of (0.3.0) – Rails 2 and 3, uses regexp Obviously people’s needs will differ but I think validate_url suites my …

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