Need a new cell phone

My phone is experiencing a lot of problems, most noticeably that call quality has been abysmal.  So I’m looking at new phones and perhaps a new carrier / plan.

Obviously the phone choice may depend significantly on carrier.  I’m currently with AT&T, which many people dislike, but with whom I’ve had pretty good service, especially compared to others.  I dislike that AT&T is trying to buy tmobile, whom I dislike and distrust with the intensity of a thousand suns.  If I want to get s subsidized phone that means a new contract.  The carrier plan I am most interested in is Sprint’s Everything Data 450.  For ~ $80 a month I can get:

  • unlimited calling to any mobile phone, regardless of carrier
  • unlimited data and messaging
  • unlimited nights and weekends calling starting at 7pm
  • 450 minutes a month for calling land lines during the daytime on weekdays

It’s a bit more than I would like to spend but it does come with a lot.  By comparison AT&T offers for $65 (40 voice + 15 data + 10 messaging):

  • unlimited calls to other AT&T cell phones
  • 200MB data, 1000 messages
  • 5000 night and weekend minutes starting at 9pm
  • 450 minutes for calling non AT&T phones during daytime weekdays (with rollover minutes)

As for phones I’m leaning toward an Android based phone.  Some thoughts so far:

  • AT&T Samsung Captivate (Samsung Galaxy S) – amoled screen, good battery life
  • AT&T HTC Inspire 4G
  • Sprint LG Optimus S


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