- Bug #785681 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu): “Unable to unblank screen, cursor still present”
- Bug #616131 in netbeans (Ubuntu): “JavaScript support in NetBeans”
- Bug #632984 in wxwidgets2.8 (Debian): “libwx_gtk2u_media-2.8.so.0 missing from libwxgtk2.8-0”
- Bug #790538 in pam (Ubuntu): “pam update causes cron to stop working with “Module is unknown” error”
- Bug #659738 in sysvinit (Ubuntu): “Duplicate welcome message in motd”
- Bug #509180 in eCryptfs: “ecryptfs sometimes seems to add trailing garbage to encrypted files”
- rails + git source in Gemfile = webserver (webrick or mongrel) cannot be shutdown by Ctrl+C or kill